If you represent a provider of transportation and storage services or goods and are looking for a solution to record quickly and accurately all transactions in the ANAF RO e-Transport system, we suggest you choose the Expert Supplier platform to ensure that deliveries will take place according to the established terms and, at the same time, to eliminate the risks and costs generated by potential logistic blockages or fines.

Brief legal explainer
In Romania, the monitoring of road transport is currently conducted through the integrated electronic system RO e-Transport, administered by the Ministry of Finance, through ANAF. According to law, it is mandatory to declare in advance the data associated with the following types of road transport:
Road transport within Romania
of the following goods that are deemed to have high fiscal risk:
- Starting July 1st, 2022 for vegetables, fruits, beverages, mineral products, clothing, footwear, cast iron products, iron, and steel.
- Additionally, starting July 1st, 2024 for meat and edible offal, fish, crustaceans and mollusks, milk and dairy products, eggs, honey, products containing tobacco, nicotine or substitutes.
International Transportations
Starting January 1st, 2024 monitoring applies to all types of goods associated with import, export, acquisitions, and intra-community deliveries operations, as well as intra-community transactions transiting through Romania, involving unloading, loading, storage and formation of new transports.
All road transports that meet the following conditions are subject to monitoring: the road vehicles used have a minimum capacity of 2.5 tons and the goods transported either have a total gross mass exceeding 500 kg or a value exceeding 10,000 lei. These conditions must be met for at least one of the transported goods batches.
Flows available in Expert Supplier
Transport Declaration:
• We retrieve the data required to complete the transport declaration from specific documents (invoices, delivery notes, CMR, packing list, orders, etc.), in an automated way, by connecting to ERP, WMS, TMS, etc. systems. (managed by you or your transport and warehousing services providers), regardless of file format (XML, EDIFACT, IDoc, JSON, CSV), using multiple technical connections (AS2, SFTP, API, Connector or e-mail) and/or by manual entry (full or partial entry of complete information or information that is missing or requires editing - e.g. vehicle number).
• We check the accuracy of the data, taking into account the validations applied by ANAF, so that users can receive clear instructions to quickly identify and resolve any potential errors.
• We convert the transport declaration, considering both the standardized format of certain fields (country, customs office, district, units of measure, etc.) and the XML technical format through which data retrieval in the ANAF system is achieved.
• We send the transport declaration on your behalf to the ANAF system, using a secure authorization protocol, through which we have the only right to transfer electronic messages via the ANAF API, without having access to your company's SPV account.
UIT Code
• We retrieve the unique transport codes (UIT) generated by the ANAF system and return them to you or transport operators (using the technical connection methods previously described), in various formats (numeric, PDF, XML, CSV) for easy and quick inclusion on transport documents.
• We update the data associated with the UIT codes already obtained, provided the declared start date of the transport allows this action. After this date we can only update the vehicle number in cases where a change of the vehicle is required.
• We request and obtain new UIT codes if the declared transport date has been exceeded or if cross-docking operations are performed, involving the formation of new transports from one or more batches of goods.
• We transmit deletion requests if the transport is canceled before the declared start date or requests for invalidation if this date has been exceeded. Additionally, we send confirmation messages to declare whether the transport has been completed entirely or partially.
Complete services
We provide technical and legislative consultancy for initial implementation. Each project is meticulously tailored to meet the unique requirements of our clients, and our dedicated team stands ready to provide prompt and ongoing assistance throughout the collaboration. Contact our team today by filling in the form below. We are at your disposal for any questions.

Companies that have already chosen us
What our clients say about us:
This service became operational starting July 1st, 2022 for dozens of EXPERT SOFTWARE clients who have chosen to submit hundreds of thousands of transport declarations on a monthly basis using the Expert Supplier platform in electronic format and can be activated, upon request, for your company.
For further inquiries or to engage our services, please fill in the contact form below or reach out to our sales department via email at sales@expertsupplier.com.