Starting January 1st, 2024
the use of the RO e-Factura system becomes mandatory for all companies in Romania. The Expert Supplier platform is ready for the automatic transfer of invoices to and from the national RO e-Factura system, for companies that cannot declare these transactions directly through the IT systems used (management software, accounting, ERP, etc.).
Everything will be simple, secure and fast, just as you already do when sending invoices to your customers.

How does RO e-Factura work?
We receive the data using the existing connection between your system and the Expert Supplier. Alternatively, we can expeditiously establish any type of communication channel, including email, SFTP, AS2, API and so on.
We receive your invoices in any format (XML, Excel, etc.) and automatically convert them into the technical XML UBL format required by ANAF. You only authorize us once to transfer invoices via the interface, using your qualified digital certificate to access the PVS. We transfer invoices on your behalf in relation to the ANAF system.
Available flows through RO e-Factura
1. Sales invoices
• Taking the invoices issued from your system and transmitting them to the ANAF system in accordance with legal requirements.
• Retrieval from the ANAF system of invoices returned and signed by the ANAF and distribution to your systems or the Expert Archive platform for electronic document storage and archiving.
2. Purchase invoices
• Collection all purchase invoices in electronic format from your suppliers of goods, services, utilities, rent, etc. via the ANAF system.
• Automatically import them into your systems (ERP, P2P, etc.) or Expert Procurement to eliminate manual operation, reduce errors and automate the payment approval process.
Complete services
We offer technical and regulatory advice for initial implementation. We approach each project with tailor-made solutions and our team is prompt to assist you throughout the entire collaboration.
Contact our team today, fill in the form below and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Companies that have already chosen us
What clients say about us:
This service has become operational, as of July 1st, 2022 for dozens of Expert Software customers who have chosen to send hundreds of thousands of invoices (594,000 in July 2023) in electronic format, issued to contracting authorities (Business to Government) or to companies (Business to Business, for the sale of products with high tax risk), every month via Expert Supplier and can be activated, on request, for your company.
For more information, please contact us using the form below or by writing to our commercial department representatives at
Contact our team today. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.